Returns and Exchanges:
Can I get a refund or cancel my order if it has not shipped?
If your order has not shipped then it is very easy for us to process a refund to the original payment method. Please let us know ASAP if you decide to cancel your order.
If the order has shipped then we will have to process a return and there will be small return fee charged to the customer.
What is your return and exchange policy?
Please visit the refund policy link in the bottom left of the page/screen.
How much does shipping cost?
Shipping within the contiguous United States is free!
International shipping rates will apply based on the destination country.
Can I cancel or change my order once I've placed it?
Our team moves quickly to get your order shipped out ASAP, but you’re able to cancel your order within 60 minutes of checking out. If you’re within this timeframe, you can locate your order here to cancel.
If you miss the cancelation window but need to change your address, please reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do. If you’re looking for a different product and are traveling soon, we recommend that you place a new order for the color or size you would prefer, and we can assist with a return of the original order once you receive it.
When will I receive my order
We are launching in February . Pre orders will begin shipping then. Normal orders should be received anywhere from 3-7 days after the order is placed depending on where you reside in the United States.
What countries do you ship to?
To start out we are only fulfilling orders in the US, Canada, Germany, Austria, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Brasil, Peru, Chile, Japan, UK, France, Spain, Greece, and China.
My order never arrived. Lost or stolen shipments
Please contact and we will file a claim on your behalf. This may take 5-10 business days to investigate with the carrier.
With International shipments do I need to pay customs?
You may have to visit the customs office to pay any duties or fees before they will release the package. The additional fees are not collected by TRVLD
Does the suitcase come with a warranty?
Yes! Please visit our refund and warranty page at the bottom of the website.
All of our suitcases come with a lifetime warranty!
Does the suitcase come with a battery pack?
No, The suitcase does not come with a battery pack. You need to have a portable charger that sits in the front compartment and connects to the suitcase charging cord. From here you can now plug in your phone charger to the outside of the suitcase and get some juice!
Does the suitcase come with the special decals to mark off locations?
Yes! The suitcase comes with specialized decals that are anti-scratch that you can place on the world map as your travel to new locations. These decals include every countries flag as well as 150 black & red location pins each. It is up to you to decide how you want to use them!
Is your suitcase waterproof?
Water-resistant, but not 100% waterproof! Canvas, nylon and leather are naturally water-resistant, but are not treated to be waterproof. The same applies to all of our products—suitcases and personal items alike: while we wouldn’t recommend taking them swimming, you’ll be totally fine if you ever find yourself caught in the rain!
How large of a water bottle will the elastic mesh side pocket hold?
The side pocket will fit water bottles or hydro flasks that have a diameter of up to 4 inches!
Will the decals come off or scratch?
The decals have been specially designed to be laminated so that the decals will not scratch and have been tested to not fall off, unless purposely peeled off.
What is the best way to put on the decals?
Place the decal straight in the suitcase and press directly 90 degrees perpendicular to the suitcase. Do not rub back and forth. Overtime the adhesion gets stronger.
How do I care for my aluminum suitcase?
To clean
You can clean your bag’s exterior and interior using a soft damp cloth and mild soap. Keep in mind that an aluminum suitcase is like an open passport—you can see everywhere it’s been (and that’s a good thing). So don’t fuss over every scuff and scratch on your bag—each mark has a story behind it.
If you remove a sticker from your suitcase (like the one explaining the combination lock) and a little adhesive stays behind, use an alcohol-based wipe to wipe the surface clean.
To store
Store in a cool, well-ventilated place with low humidity, if you can.
How do I care for my zipper polycarbonate suitcase?
To clean
Scuffs and spills happen. Clean your bag’s exterior shell and interior nylon lining using a soft, damp cloth, warm water, and mild soap. It’ll scrub right up.
If the shell of your suitcase picks up a mark that soap and water can’t handle, try using a magic eraser to buff it away.
For glossy finishes
Clean your glossy bag’s exterior shell using a soft, damp cloth, warm water, and mild soap. We wouldn't recommend using a magic eraser as it could cause damage to the glossy finish.
Referral & Affiliate Program:
How does the referral program work?
Click the referral box at the bottom right of the screen and you will be given the option to copy a link or send the link directly to the referrals email. Once the other person checks out using the discount code that was given ($30 off their order) then the person who gave the referral will then be able to use a discount code of their own.
How does the affiliate program work?
Create an account from the "affiliate dashboard" link at the bottom left of the page. Once you create an account you will then have to activate the account through the email you used. Confirm your password and enter in the additional details. Once submitted, the TRVLD team will review and either accept or decline the application. If approved, you will be given a link and start to earn 12%of revenue for each person that purchases through you.